I wholeheartedly believe we should resonate with and carefully choose the people we allow into our lives. This is also true when hiring a photographer, someone who will be there to document the most vulnerable, special and intimate pieces of our human experience. That is why I think it is important to tell you more about myself and let you decide.

I grew up in a small town by the ocean, in the smallest state. It is alive and vibrant in the summer and sleepy as hell in the winter. My whole life has been centered around the water and I can’t imagine who I would be without it. my life has also spun around the constant desire to create. Those two things came together in perfect cosmic alignment in my early 20’s and the rest is history. I knew I wanted to be a photographer and I knew I didn’t want to work for anyone else because, admittedly, I am hellbent on not reporting to a boss everyday and doing the whole 9-5 thing. I wasn’t letting anything get in my way. I finally took the leap and became fully freelance in 2021. Now I do this thing full time, all year, with my whole heart and I feel really lucky to do it.

I want to romanticize your life for you, in the way you may remember a fond but distant memory. I want to tell your story, show you the poetic moments that exist in the mundane, and give you something to look at in 10, 20, 30+ years to remember what it felt like to be here, right now. After all, I am a professional daydreamer, a quiet observer, and as sensitive as it gets. I’ve basically been training for this my whole life.
